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All events include Session Properties, Device Properties, App Properties, and Shopify Properties that are present on the Event Object. For more information, refer to the Common Event Object & Metadata document.

Event Properties, however, are unique to every event and are outlined in this page.

The Wishlist Viewed event will fire when a user views any wishlist from any source. There are multiple screens and locations in the app in which a user can be taken to view a wishlist; these source screens are also included in this event.

Note: The Wishlist Viewed event is only available to merchants who have enabled Advanced Wishlist

Event Properties unique to the Wishlist Viewed event include:

"event_properties": {
    "event_id": "600333bd-02a2-4a49-8db9-8c14b3ad9f0c",
    "wishlist_title": "X Mas Wishlist ♡",
    "count_of_wishlist_items": "2",
    "wishlist_view_source": "wishlist_home",
    "wishlist_total_items_id_list": ["6922833322044", "7060873337132"],
    "wishlist_view_source_id": null

event_id String : The unique identifier of the session associated with the event. This event will also exist on the Event object level as well.

wishlist_title String : The title of the wishlist viewed

count_of_wishlist_items Integer : The count of items in the wishlist viewed

wishlist_view_source String : The particular screen or section of the app that lead to the wishlist view.

Note: To view all the various sources, reference the Event Sources page

wishlist_total_items_id_list List : A list of the product id's of the items in the wishlist

wishlist_view_source_id String : The product or collection id of the wishlist view source if applicable