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All events include Session Properties, Device Properties, App Properties, and Shopify Properties that are present on the Event Object. For more information, refer to the Common Event Object & Metadata document.

Event Properties, however, are unique to every event and are outlined in this page.

The Navigation Interacted event fires when an element of the title bar, side, or bottom navigation is selected.

The event properties unique to this event include:

  "event_properties": {
    "event_id": "9abc03e6-ee1a-44f7-bb01-e6ab295a9476",
    "navigation_type": "bottom_nav",
    "nav_item_text": "Account",
    "nav_item_index": "2",
    "nav_image_url": "menu-icon-account",
    "nav_image_type": "internal",
    "nav_item_destination_title": "Account",
    "nav_item_destination_type": "account",
    "nav_item_destination_id": null,
    "destination_source_title": "Home",
    "destination_source_type": "home",
    "destination_source_id": null,
    "nav_item_count": "3",
    "nav_item_title_list": ["Home", "Collections", "Account"]

event_id String : The unique identifier of the session associated with the event. This event will also exist on the Event object level as well

navigation_type String : The type of navigation the user interacted with

Note: To view all of the various navigation types, reference the Event Sources page

nav_item_text String : The title of the navigation item that was selected

nav_item_index Integer : The index of the navigation item selected relative to all the available items

nav_image_url String : The name of the icon/image being used on the specific navigation item selected

nav_image_type String : The source of the image (internal or web)

Note: For more information on the navigation image types, reference the Event Sources page

nav_item_destination_title String : The title of the destination of the navigation item that was interacted with

nav_item_destination_type String : The page type of the navigation item destination (wishlist, cart, etc)

nav_item_destination_id String : The ID of the destination type (wishlist_id, cart_id, etc.)

destination_source_title String : The title of the page the user was on before selecting the navigation icon

destination_source_type String : The page type of the page the user was on before selecting the navigation icon (wishlist, cart, etc.)

destination_source_id String : The ID of the page the user was on before selecting the navigation icon (wishlist_id, cart_id, etc.)

nav_item_count Integer : The count of total navigation items in the app menu

nav_item_title_list List : A list of all possible navigation item titles in the app