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API Reference

Applies to: Account Created

The account_create_source represents where or how an account was created.

The applicable enums include:

checkout_sign_in: When the user is checking out and is given the option to create an account

bis_pdp: Back in stock notifier that would take someone to create an account if they wish to receive the back in stock notifications

product_favorited_search: When a user is viewing a product via search and favorites the product - (specific to syte)

account_page: When a user tries to access the accounts page and is prompted to sign in or create an account

product_favorited_collection: When a user is viewing a collection and attempts to favorite a product

favorites_page: When the user tires to access the favorites page and is prompted to sign in or create an account

product_favorited_cart: When a user attempts to favorite a product from the cart

orders_page: When a user tries to access the orders page and is prompted to sign in or create an account

cart_sign_in: When the user is in the cart and is given the option to create an account

onboarding: When the user is onboarded and is prompted to create an account

product_favorited_pdp : When the user is viewing a PDP and attempts to favorite the product