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Applies to: Collection Viewed

The collection_view_source represents where a Collection Viewed event occurred from. The following are the various enums for applicable:

collections_list: When a collection is selected (and leads to the full collection of products ) from the collections page

subcollections_list: When a sub_collection (child of a regular collection) is selected and all products are shown. Will not fire a CollectionViewed event when parent is clicked

dashboard_collections_carousel: When a user clicks on one of the collections in the carousel of collections

dashboard_featured_products: When a user clicks on the ‘view all’ under a featured products collection carousel

dashboard_single_collection_grid: When a user clicks on a product in a single collection grid

dashboard_single_collection_carousel: A single collection with the carousel that begins at the first product

dashboard_single_collection_circle: When a user clicks on a product in the collection where one product is zoomed in and the others are only partially showing. This is a different type of carousel.

pdp_image_banner: When the user clicks on an image banner in the pdp and is taken to a collection

dashboard_image_banner: When the user clicks on an image banner that comes from the dashboard (main image block) and is taken to a collection

dashboard_video_block: When the user clicks on a video and is taken to a collection

deep_link: If the user comes into a collection via a deep linked method

push_notification_direct: When the user enters a collection via a notification that was sent to the user

push_notification_page: when the user clicks on a notification in the notifications page and is taken to a collection

left_menu: When the user selects a menu item that takes the user to a collection

advanced_search: In the new advanced search there is a capability to view collections directly from the search