6/25/24 release notes

Mobile App VersionWebbridge Versionchange

3/4/24 Release Notes

New updates in v1.7

5/23/23 Release Notes (SDK V1.2)

This release exposes a handful of new actions, variables, and Custom Block behaviors.

2/21/23 Release Notes (SDK V1.1)

Updated support to keep variable values updated if they change dynamically in the background.

1/25/23 Release Notes

We now support the ability to Replace the Native Add to Cart Block with a Custom Add to Cart Block

12/21/22 Release Notes (SDK V1.1)

Optimizations to the openProduct action, and release of device.windowHeight.

12/1/22 Release Notes (SDK V1.1)

Support for accessing the selected variant on the PDP.

11/3/22 Release Notes (SDK V1.1)

Added support for link & script tags.

10/20/22 Release Notes (SDK V1)

Improved UX for the openProduct action.