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Purchase Completed is an event sent from Shopify's webhook. Because this event occurs directly from Shopify, it does NOT include any Session Properties, Device Properties, App Properties, or Shopify Properties

The Purchase Completed event fires when a user completes checkout and the purchase is successfully completed.

The event properties unique to this event include:

  "event_properties": {
    "source": null,
    "event_id": "1A222A4F-E8D9-4C06-9796-73895A67FFBA",
    "checkout_id": "e34695d179443dabae88bb518c7d283c",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "total_price": "15.0",
    "checkout_source_type": "cart",
    "checkout_source_id": null,
    "checkout_source_title": null,
    "multi_currency_code": "USD",
    "purchase_total_price": "15.0",
    "purchase_total_price_due": "15.0",
    "purchase_total_items": "1",
    "purchase_total_items_list": ["High Waist Jeans"],
    "purchase_city": null,
    "purchase_province": null,
    "purchase_province_code": null,
    "purchase_country": null,
    "purchase_country_code": null,
    "purchase_zip": null,
    "purchase_product_badge_titles_list": ["BOGO FREE"],
    "purchase_product_badge_ids_list": ["badge-1691333741152"],
    "product_badge_source_list": ["plp"],
    "purchase_shopify_user_id": "973022333524",
    "total_discount_amount": "0.0",
    "total_gift_card_amount_applied": "0.0",
    "cart_id": null,
    "product_ids": ["6536333600316"]

event_id String : The unique identifier of the session associated with the event. This event will also exist on the Event object level as well

source String : A value or parameter tracking where the session originated from. The default is "direct"

Note: To view all of the possible sources, reference the Event Sources page

currency_code String : The currency code of the currency associated with the checkout

checkout_id String : The Shopify Checkout ID of the checkout event

total_price Float : The total amount of all items purchased in the user's currency

checkout_source_type String : The source in which a checkout can be initiated

Note: To view all of the possible checkout source types, reference the Event Sources page

checkout_source_id String : The ID of the checkout source. For example, if the checkout source is a PDP, then this will be the ID of that product

checkout_source_title String : The title of the checkout source. For example, if the checkout source is a PDP, then this will be the title of that product

multi_currency_code String : The current currency the user has selected in the app

purchase_total_price Float : The total value of the purchase in the consumer’s current selected currency. This is the subtotal.

purchase_total_price_due Float : The total value of the purchase in the consumer’s current selected currency. This is the amount due not the subtotal

purchase_total_items Integer : The number of items included in the purchase

purchase_total_items_list List : The list of product titles included in the purchase

total_discount_amount Float : The amount that was taken off the checkout from a discount code

total_gift_card_amount_applied Float : The value from a gift card that was applied to a cart's total.

cart_id String : The unique ID of the cart

product_ids List : The IDs of all of the products included in the purchase

purchase_shopify_user_id String : The Shopify user ID of the user who completed the purchase

purchase_product_badge_ids_list List : A list of all of the IDs of product badges associated with products included in the purchase

purchase_product_badge_titles_list List : A list of all of the titles of product badges associated with products included in the purchase

product_badge_source_list List : A list of the sources of all product badge associated with purchased products (PDP, PLP)

purchase_city String : The city where the purchase was made

purchase_province String : The province where the purchase was made

purchase_province_code String : The province code where the purchase was made

purchase_country String : The country where the purchase was made

purchase_country_code String : The country code of the country where the purchase was made

purchase_zip String : The zip code where the purchase was made