

All events include Session Properties, Device Properties, App Properties, and Shopify Properties that are present on the Event Object. For more information, refer to the Common Event Object & Metadata document.

Event Properties, however, are unique to every event and are outlined in this page.

The MultiPage Nav Interacted event fires when a page within the multipage navigation bar is interacted with.

The event properties unique to this event include:

  "event_properties": {
    "event_id": "ba4233e2-13a3-46cc-abdc-9968hg332b2a",
    "multi_page_title": "New Arrivals",
    "multi_page_index": "2",
    "multi_page_count": "4",
    "multi_page_list": ["Featured", "New Arrivals", "Footwear", "Apparel"]

event_id String : The unique identifier of the session associated with the event. This event will also exist on the Event object level as well

multi_page_title String : The title of the multi page that was interacted with

multi_page_index Integer : The index of the multi page relative to all the multi pages available to select

multi_page_count Integer : Count of total multi pages in the app

multi_page_list List : A list of all multi page titles in the app