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All events include Session Properties, Device Properties, App Properties, and Shopify Properties that are present on the Event Object. For more information, refer to the Common Event Object & Metadata document.

Event Properties, however, are unique to every event and are outlined in this page.

The Country Changed event fires when a user interacts with the country element in the side navigation bar or in the title bar. This event fires when the country element is opened and then closed, whether or not the user actually successfully changed their country setting.

The event properties unique to this event include:

  "event_properties": {
    "event_id": "6F5DEFD4-2AD6-4B8B-BF4D-6806D433237C",
    "nav_type_source": "side_nav",
    "is_country_changed": "true",
    "country_set_type": "manual",
    "country_changed_to": "US",
    "country_changed_from": "DO"

event_id String : The unique identifier of the session associated with the event. This event will also exist on the Event object level as well

nav_type_source String : The type of navigation used to change the country setting

Note: To view all of the various navigation types, reference the Event Sources page

is_country_changed Boolean : Whether or not the country was changed (True/False)

country_set_type String : Whether the country is the default country or a manually changed country (default/manual)

country_changed_to String : What was the country changed to (USA, CAN, MEX, etc.)

country_changed_from String : What was the country changed from (USA, CAN, MEX, etc.)