Built-in Helpers
Templating helper functions available out of the box
Tapcart supports a handful of built-in helper functions that can be used to build out a block. These helpers are available out of the box, so no setup is needed beyond using the proper syntax.
By using the registerEventHandler
helper function, you can update your variables, should their values change in real-time. Examples of this would be if a user signs in/out (thus changing the user
variables), or if a product is added to the cart (thus changing the cart
Handlebars.registerHelper('json', function(context) {
return JSON.stringify(context,null,2);
const source = `
<div>the Variables Test Block</div>
<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;word-break:break-all;">{{json this}}</pre>
let extraDiv = document.querySelector("#extra");
let extraTemplate = Handlebars.compile(source);
extraDiv.innerHTML = extraTemplate(Tapcart.variables)
Tapcart.registerEventHandler("product/updated", function(eventData) {
extraDiv.innerHTML = extraTemplate({...Tapcart.variables,...eventData})
type: "success",
message: "Event occurred: \"product/updated\""
Tapcart.registerEventHandler("customer/updated", function (eventData) {
extraDiv.innerHTML = extraTemplate({...Tapcart.variables,...eventData});
type: "success",
message: "Event occurred: \"customer/updated\""
Tapcart.registerEventHandler("cart/updated", function (eventData) {
extraDiv.innerHTML = extraTemplate({...Tapcart.variables,...eventData});
type: "success",
message: "Event occurred: \"cart/updated\""
The if
helper allows you to conditionally render a block if the argument is true. If the argument returns false, null, undefined, "", 0, or [], then the block will not render. You can specify an alternative response for when the if clause returns false by using else
<div class="user">
{{#if signedIn}}
<h1>Hello {{firstName}}</h1>
The includeZero=true
option may be set to treat the conditional as not empty. This effectively determines if 0 is handled by the positive or negative path.
{{#if 0 includeZero=true}}
<h1>Does render</h1>
The unless
helper is essentially the opposite of if
and can be used to test a negative conditional. Unless will render the block only if the argument returns a false value. It also supports else
to specify what to do if the argument does not return a false value.
<div class="user">
{{#unless signedIn}}
<h1>PLease Sign In</h1>
The each
helper allows you to iterate through a list. Within the block, this
acts as a placeholder for the element in the iteration.
<ul class="orders_list">
{{#each orders}}
The with
helper allows you shift the evaluation context for a section of a template
{{#with name}}
{{firstname}} {{lastname}}
when used in this context
person: {
firstname: "Kenyon",
lastname: "Brown",
will return:
Kenyon Brown
The lookup
helper allows you to access values within a dictionary or array using the key of the dictionary or the index of the array
{{#each customer}}
{{.}} lives in {{lookup ../cities @index}}
The example above iterates over the customer
array and for each index of the customer
array it fetches the value at that index position from the locations
How to build your own helpers
If you are not seeing the helpers you need, you can use handlebars.js
to build your own helpers. You can leverage the Javascript below to implement Handlebars.js in the Javascript tab of the Custom Blocks text editor.
const vars = {customData: "hello world"}
const handlebarsSourceHTML = `<div>{{customData}}</div>`
const customTemplate = Handlebars.compile(handlebarsSourceHTML);
const parentDiv = document.querySelector("#customHandlebarsParentDiv");
parentDiv.innerHTML = customTemplate(vars);
Updated almost 2 years ago